What is OIIM ?
The Open International Interfaith Ministry ( OIIM ) is an Interfaith/Interspiritual community offering spiritual services, educational programs, and pastoral ministrations for persons of all religious traditions. Some of our members follow an Interfaith Faith Path while others follow a more traditional religious tradition. As a community, however, we affirm that God is love and that there are many paths to the Divine. We believe that prejudice and intolerance have no place in spiritual practice. We welcome all those who desire to understand experiences of psyche and spirit, and wish to dedicate themselves to personal spiritual growth and development in an atmosphere of respect, informed free-thought and enquiry.
The Open International Interfaith Ministry (OIIM) has charitable status in Canada and is recognized as a religious body by government. We offer to our members many traditional services such as weddings, funerals, baptisms, blessings, spiritual counselling and spiritual healing but from an Interfaith perspective. In addition, we also offer workshops and training allowing members to explore their spirituality and their spiritual gifts in a safe, reverent, respectful and supportive environment. To Read OIIM's Priciples Click Here ....... |
The Open International Interfaith Ministry® (OIIM) is a registered global division of the founding chapter, the Prince Edward Island Interfaith Ministry. OIIM embraces the same inclusive, Interfaith perspective as the PEI Interfaith Ministry. Students graduating from the iNtuitive Times Institute are recognized as Registered Lay Ministers, Spiritual Arts Practitioners and Ordained Interfaith Ministers through the Open International Interfaith Ministry. Ordained Ministers have earned the title of ‘Reverend’ and can minister anywhere in the world in accordance with their state, provincial or country laws. We are Interfaith in perspective. In sociological terms, OIIM is neither a sect nor a cult. Our religious beliefs embrace the positive in all of the world religions. OIIM has specific doctrine in matters of faith outlined in its publications and embraces the Saints, prophets and sages of all religions.
It is interested in participation by persons from all faiths and traditions. OIIM is a spiritual and religious association for the development of the whole person. Some of those attending OIIM Interfaith Celebrations also attend services of a more traditional religious faith, while others embrace OIIM as their primary religion in matters of faith. Christian priests, ministers, nuns, Jewish rabbis, Hindu swamis, Sikhs, Tibetan Buddhist lamas, Jain monks, Native medicine-men, Spiritualist ministers, psychics, mediums, and representatives of other faiths, old and new, share the platform at various meetings of the Interfaith Ministry with scholars, scientists, and ordinary people.
There are a number of common denominators which unite us in the Interfaith Ministry. One is our desire to eliminate intolerance and prejudice in spiritual and religious practice. Another is our readiness to testify to the reality of the Spiritual world and the subtle faculties of psychic and Spiritual vision through which it may be perceived. Our activities help people find their own personal understanding and proofs as to the reality and nature of Spirit and the Spirit world. Central to the Interfaith message is the certain knowledge that we are eternal and that divine guidance is available to people of all traditions who sincerely open themselves to it.
It is interested in participation by persons from all faiths and traditions. OIIM is a spiritual and religious association for the development of the whole person. Some of those attending OIIM Interfaith Celebrations also attend services of a more traditional religious faith, while others embrace OIIM as their primary religion in matters of faith. Christian priests, ministers, nuns, Jewish rabbis, Hindu swamis, Sikhs, Tibetan Buddhist lamas, Jain monks, Native medicine-men, Spiritualist ministers, psychics, mediums, and representatives of other faiths, old and new, share the platform at various meetings of the Interfaith Ministry with scholars, scientists, and ordinary people.
There are a number of common denominators which unite us in the Interfaith Ministry. One is our desire to eliminate intolerance and prejudice in spiritual and religious practice. Another is our readiness to testify to the reality of the Spiritual world and the subtle faculties of psychic and Spiritual vision through which it may be perceived. Our activities help people find their own personal understanding and proofs as to the reality and nature of Spirit and the Spirit world. Central to the Interfaith message is the certain knowledge that we are eternal and that divine guidance is available to people of all traditions who sincerely open themselves to it.
The Open International Interfaith Ministry is an Interfaith-Interspiritual community offering spiritual and religious services, educational programs, pastoral ministrations & a religious alternative for persons of any religious tradition. We affirm that God is love and that there are many paths to the Divine Source. We believe that prejudice and intolerance have no place in spiritual and religious practice.
We welcome those who desire to understand experiences of psyche and Spirit, and wish to dedicate themselves to personal spiritual growth and psychic development in an atmosphere of respect, informed free-thought and enquiry. Those graduating from the Institute will be able to work within OIIM at the registered ministry level they have achieved. Others wishing to work within the Open International Interfaith Ministry must be approved by sanction by the OIIM Registration Board. The Board will evaluate their training to determine any additional training necessary. Three hundred hours, with at least half done through OIIM/NTI, of personal development workshops or programs are required by all approved by the OIIM. |