NTI Interfaith Seminary
Mission Statement
No matter what we call the Divine Source, it is the highest form of love, peace and wisdom being infinite and by nature incomprehensible. The universe reflects the Divine Presence – The All - through its many wonders, its myriad of forms and the great diversity we see in our many religious traditions and spiritual paths. We are interfaith in perspective, embracing the belief that the message of unconditional love has been shared with the world’s different cultures and peoples throughout the ages resulting in our many religious traditions. Embracing this diversity of expression allows us all to be enriched and to gain a greater understanding of the Divine in the world around us and within us. We express this with the phrase, “The Paths are Many, the Truth is One, Love Thy Neighbour.”
We believe that we are Spirit and that as such we possess natural gifts of intuitive and psychic vision which are the birthright of every human soul. We reject fear and believe that hatred and intolerance have no place within spiritual and religious practice. We recognize the power of thought to shape the world that we live in and celebrate the purposefulness of free will as we create our own life experiences and learn from our joys and challenges. As we understand more about spirituality and the nature of being human, we understand more about our personal responsibility in affecting the universe through our thoughts. Spirituality is about our relationship to the God Source and our personal choices, all of which affect us and the world in which we live.
The Institute’s goals are to make knowledge related to religious practice, personal spirituality, intuition and gifts of Spirit, and the power of embracing diversity universally available to all. We celebrate the fact that the God source – that the All is expressed through diversity and that it is both what we share in common and what makes us different that makes the world more beautiful and helps us to better understand a God who is infinite and incomprehensible. Knowledge empowers and frees people from the fear born of ignorance.
The Mission of the Interfaith Ministry, its leaders and ministers is to create and maintain: “a vibrant, Interfaith community that embraces diversity and empowers the receiving of and expression of the gifts of Spirit, in a spiritual community that draws on spiritual practices, knowledge and truths of all traditions and is served by trained, anointed and committed leaders who will inspire peace in their extended communities and amongst all people and to provide a home for those seeking a spiritual community that embraces the Intefaith/Interspiritual perspective.”
No matter what we call the Divine Source, it is the highest form of love, peace and wisdom being infinite and by nature incomprehensible. The universe reflects the Divine Presence – The All - through its many wonders, its myriad of forms and the great diversity we see in our many religious traditions and spiritual paths. We are interfaith in perspective, embracing the belief that the message of unconditional love has been shared with the world’s different cultures and peoples throughout the ages resulting in our many religious traditions. Embracing this diversity of expression allows us all to be enriched and to gain a greater understanding of the Divine in the world around us and within us. We express this with the phrase, “The Paths are Many, the Truth is One, Love Thy Neighbour.”
We believe that we are Spirit and that as such we possess natural gifts of intuitive and psychic vision which are the birthright of every human soul. We reject fear and believe that hatred and intolerance have no place within spiritual and religious practice. We recognize the power of thought to shape the world that we live in and celebrate the purposefulness of free will as we create our own life experiences and learn from our joys and challenges. As we understand more about spirituality and the nature of being human, we understand more about our personal responsibility in affecting the universe through our thoughts. Spirituality is about our relationship to the God Source and our personal choices, all of which affect us and the world in which we live.
The Institute’s goals are to make knowledge related to religious practice, personal spirituality, intuition and gifts of Spirit, and the power of embracing diversity universally available to all. We celebrate the fact that the God source – that the All is expressed through diversity and that it is both what we share in common and what makes us different that makes the world more beautiful and helps us to better understand a God who is infinite and incomprehensible. Knowledge empowers and frees people from the fear born of ignorance.
The Mission of the Interfaith Ministry, its leaders and ministers is to create and maintain: “a vibrant, Interfaith community that embraces diversity and empowers the receiving of and expression of the gifts of Spirit, in a spiritual community that draws on spiritual practices, knowledge and truths of all traditions and is served by trained, anointed and committed leaders who will inspire peace in their extended communities and amongst all people and to provide a home for those seeking a spiritual community that embraces the Intefaith/Interspiritual perspective.”
Interfaith Seminary Objectives
NTI’s seminary program's objectives are:
- train Registered Lay Ministers and Registered Spiritual Arts Pratitioners (RSP specializing in Healing, Counselling, Direction and/or Mediumship) and Ordained Ministers with an Interfaith perspective who understand the challenges and joys of being a non-physical entity in a physical body;
- train RSPc to apply sound counselling principles to the Lay Ministry of Spiritual Counselling;
- train RSPh to apply sound energy work and vibrational healing principles to the Lay Ministry of Spiritual Healing;
- train RSPm to apply sound mediumship principles to the Lay Ministry of Spiritual Mediumship;
- train RSPd and OM to apply sound spiritual direction principles and Pastoral Interfaith Ministrations;
- elevate the professionalism of Spiritual Counselling, Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Mediumship and the relevance of intuitive insights through the context of an Interfaith Ministry so as to give them the recognition they deserve in the helping professions;
- provide an understanding of holistic wellness and complementary therapies;
- provide a comprehensive understanding of personal spirituality, intuition, gifts of Spirit, energy work, death & dying, life after and before death, and communication with the spirit or heaven world;
- train wellness and other helping professionals in the human services field to understand and utilize the basic concepts of energy work, intuition, visualization and mind over body practices;
- train its students in techniques, prayer, spiritual healing and gifts of spirit recognizing the uniqueness of every person and their unique cultural perspective;
- elevate the professionalism of Spiritual Counselling, Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Mediumship and the relevance of intuitive insights through the context of an Interfaith Ministry so as to give them the recognition they deserve in the helping professions;
- empower its students, practitioners and ministers to be officially recognized and its graduates to work through and maintain professional status and a sense of community through OIIM.